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What to Expect at an Estate Planning Consultation

Meeting with an attorney to discuss your Estate Plan is not an every day affair. Because of this, you may not know what to expect at an Estate Planning consultation. All law offices have different procedures. However, this is what to expect from us at The Swenson Law Firm:

  1. Contact our office to schedule your consultation.
  2. We will send you a worksheet to fill out prior to the appointment along with more information to prepare you for your consultation meeting.
  3. Return the worksheet prior to your consultation.
  4. During the consultation you will meet with the Attorney to discuss your goals and desires.
  5. An Attorney Engagement Agreement is sent to you to review outside of the office.
  6. Return the Attorney Engagement Agreement and any requested deposit and we will get started on your Estate Plan.
  7. Feel good knowing that you are protecting and planning for your family.

Additional items to keep in mind:

  • If you are planning to have an Estate Plan together with your spouse, it is best to have both spouses at the initial meeting.
  • We have the capability to meet via video conferencing.
  • It is our policy to not accept payment or sign Attorney Engagement Agreements during your Estate Planning Consultation. We prefer you to think it over outside of the office prior to signing up.
  • We love teaching about how Estate Plans work for you and your family.

To schedule your Estate Planning Consultation, Contact us at 916-333-0833 or send us a message.

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